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- 1217-W: A modest quality cushion foam. This product is ideal for bedding cores and toppers as well as seating or chair back applications that require lasting resiliency and a softer compression.
- 1550CH: A good quality packaging application. This product is used in packaging, storage and utility case applications. Works well as Acoustic and Sound absorption.
- HD-1840-G: A high-density (1.8#) seat foam that has a medium firm (40ILD) feel. This foam is ideal for seating requirements that are 2-5 inches in thickness. It is used for bar stools, motorcycle seats, sofa cushions, full foam mattresses and church pews.
- HD-2250-B: This product is a premium (2.2#) seat foam selection which is high in density with a corresponding firm (50ILD) feel. This foam is ideal for seating requirements that are 2-5 inches in thickness. It is used for bar stools, motorcycle seats, sofa cushions, full foam mattresses and church pews.
- POLY-FIBER: Our premium pillow filler is a great way to give your sofa pillows a fresh look.
- DACRON: A polyester fiber with high resistance to stretching and high tensile strength.
- Max-Adhesive: Upholstery adhesive is especially formulated to bond foam-to-foam, as well as foam-to-fabric, wood, particle board, cardboard, metal and fiberglass. A web spray pattern that offers low soak-in, instant tack, is clear, and develops flexible bonds.
- Upholstery Supply: We stock #69 & #92 Bonded Threads, #4.5 & #5 Zippers and Slides, Cambric, Adhesives, Silicone, Staples and more!
Contact us at 505-243-8331 for information on how we can help with your foam needs!

- Weight (Density in pounds per square foot): The weight of foam is determined by the amount of chemicals used in the composition of the polyurethane foam. The more chemicals, the higher the density and the more visco-elastic it will become. This density will not determine the hardness of the material; this is done through utilizing the ILD rating structure.
- ILD Rating (Indentation Load Deflection): The ILD rating is going to tell you how hard or soft a material is. The 25% ILD rating is the number of pounds required to achieve a 25% compression of a 4" thick foam using a 50 square inch indentation. An Example of this is as follows: 20lb. ILD foam indicates that this material took 20 lbs. of pressure to indent this foam 25%. Keep in mind that the higher the ILD, the firmer the foam. This rating is synonymous with the abbreviation IFD (Indentation Force Deflection). IFD is still in use, even though ILD was created just for the purposes of grading polyurethane foam.
- Resilience: This measures the foam's springiness by determining the percent rebound of a steel ball dropped from a height of 36 inches. The term "H.R" (high resilient) foam refers to a highly resilient foam that will give a very high ball rebound reading. In general, the higher the resiliency, the better the more durable the foam will be with compression forces.